
Friday 18 July 2014

Current night-time skincare routine

Hello there readers! You already know what to expect in this post by the title of it so I won't bore you by explaining what it is.  So skincare, very important stuff, I don't change up my actual skin care routine too often but I change around the products fairly often so I thought I'd do a post on what I'm currently doing.

Step 1: Remove the make up

The number one rule of make up and skin care is to remove make up and skin care to maintain good skin, so that's my first step. I use baby oil to remove it currently because I keep forgetting to buy a proper one (however I'm planning on buying the Garnier Micellar water soon which I believe removes make up). I use a cotton pad and add a bit of baby oil to it, and then hold it on my eye for a second and rub it off, and repeat until it's done trying not to drag my eye too much. After removing all the eye make up, I swipe it around my face to remove any foundation or concealer. 

2. Use a hot but not skin burning temperature flannel to wipe the baby oil off

After using baby oil to remove my make up, I find that my face is left quite oily (who would've thought baby oil makes you oily?) so I use a hot-but-not-boiling-temperature flannel to wipe away the oil. The hot temperature water also opens up the pores so I can thoroughly clean out my pores.

3. Use cleansing lotion

After removing traces of baby oil, I take some cleansing lotion and squeeze some of this onto some cotton wool. I usually alternate between using the Simple Cleanser and this Boots Cucumber Cleanser, both are as good as each other in my opinion. Plus they're under a couple of pounds so they don't break the bank. When I have some cleanser on the cotton wool, I move it around my face until there are no longer traces of cleanser on the wool but dirt and foundation that wasn't quite removed before.

4. Use toner

After using a cleansing lotion, I like to use a toner afterwards just to remove any other impurities in my skin and to leave my skin feeling fresh. I'm currently using the Derma v10 one which was under £2 in Savers (I usually choose what cleanser or toner to buy based on which one is reduced - keeps life a bit more interesting). Honestly, this isn't my favourite toner. It smells a bit like alcohol and feels a bit like alcohol, it does clean my skin so it's good on that level but given the option I'm not sure whether I would repurchase it again. I use this the same way as I use the cleansing lotion, by squeezing some onto a piece of cotton wool and moving it around my face until I feel the toner has been used to the best of its ability.

5. Cleanse with flannel once again

After doing all the cleansing, I like to use a hot flannel again to wash my face, and then straight after I use a cold flannel as this closes the pores up a bit so I hear.

6. Use moisturiser 

After closing up my pores with a cold flannel, I like to use moisturiser to replenish the moisture that I cleansed out of my skin. I'm currently using the Simple moisturiser, and I love this but I feel like my skin is dryer now so I might need to switch to the Simple rich moisturiser rather than this one. I squeeze this out onto my hand and massage it into my skin and my eyes even though I don't think it helps with under eye circles, I still need to take care of my eyes.

That's all folks - hope you enjoyed reading about how I keep my skin clean!

What skin products do you use?


  1. The boots cleanser is a brilliant bargain, I think it's like £1.50 or something ridiculous? Bargain! x

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