
Monday 30 March 2015

BREAKING NEWS (not) - Katie Hopkins is an arse

I think the first time I heard anything about Katie Hopkins was when she was on This Morning criticising people for naming their children Tyler or after places, and then she was called up on the fact that her child was called India. Since then, she has blown up in infamy - saying incriminating thing at every corner such as saying that fat people are fat because they're lazy. I've never really liked her at all or taken any of her opinions seriously, firstly she's a Tory which automatically puts me off, but also her opinions just seem too outrageous to be at all serious. However, her tweets regarding depression really hit  home just how ignorant she is and this needs to be addressed.

Katie Hopkins

Katie Hopkins

Katie Hopkins
Katie Hopkins

Katie Hopkins

Katie Hopkins

Katie Hopkins

Katie Hopkins

Katie Hopkins

Katie Hopkins

Katie Hopkins

I'll give you a second to comprehend the degree of problematic this hits. Katie Hopkins is uneducated in many, many, ways but this is beyond the pale. It seems in some of these tweets that she was trying to point out that depression has been romanticised and that's not okay, that I agree with because romanticisation of mental illness is bad and it results in people who are mentally ill not being taken seriously, but she went further than that and went on to suggest that depression doesn't really exist?

According to Mayo Clinic Staff - "Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depression, major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. You may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and depression may make you feel as if life isn't worth living.

More than just a bout of the blues, depression isn't a weakness, nor is it something that you can simply "snap out" of. Depression may require long-term treatment. But don't get discouraged. Most people with depression feel better with medication, psychological counseling or both. Other treatments also may help."

So contrary to what Hopkins believes, depression isn't something you can snap out of by going for a jog. I wouldn't ever wish depression on anybody, but her complete lack of empathy for people suffering with a mental illness is astounding and vile, so it would be interseting to see if she could put herself in the shoes of someone suffering from depression and still pound out the same drivel about 'topping yourself in private'. It seems her mental capacity is so limited that she can't spare a smidge of sympathy for those suffering, it seems she can only spare a thought as far enough as it affects her day-to-day life. 

It honestly just sickens me that she can't imagine for one second how awful you have to feel to consider taking your own life, and for her to claim that this is some sort of outlet for self-obsession is utterly ridiculous. Correct me if I'm wrong, but self-obsession is narcissism, depression is a completely different subject. Depression affects people differently, but on a very very general basis it's feeling down for an extended period of time or not really feeling any strong emotions, a sort of numb sensation over a long time* so it's pretty evident that she doesn't really understand what depression is even on an entry-level basis.

It's clear that Katie Hopkins is completely uneducated on the matter, and I gave up on trying to reform her via thinking angry thoughts and tweeting about her because she's beyond help. On the plus side though, she has said she'll leave the UK if Ed Miliband becomes Prime Minister, so I know who I'm voting for.

What are your opinions on Katie Hopkins?

*I'm speaking from personal experience, what I've heard from friends, seen online and studied in school, but if you feel I'm out of order with this very general description please feel free to correct me!!

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