
Sunday 1 March 2015

Ten things and ten blogs #3

Big day in the beauty world for Bess - I bought my first MAC lipstick! I got it in the shade 'Taupe' and I think I'm going to get a lot of wear out of it, the cheapskate in me (and my purse) was telling me no but my heart was telling me yes.

The lovely Hazel Hayes of the YouTube channel ChewingSand uploaded a video about voting which I think every person, mostly young people around 18-25, should watch. I only turned 18 in November but I've always been very annoyed at the prospect of people not using their vote, so if you're sceptical about the parties or if you're just not sure about whether to vote or not. Watch the video, at least you'll be a little bit more informed on how much your vote matters.

I did my first outfit post (here) and it was honestly one of the most nerve-racking things I've ever done, I have a really really bad body image (for reasons I won't go into here, but may talk about in a future post) but I really wanted to start doing outfit posts on here to incorporate more of the fashion part of 'fashion, beauty and an existential crisis', so I braved it - personal goal achieved!

Having not done a great deal of work through half-term (I did some, but does the homework ever end with A levels?) I decided I needed to just sit down and work, work, work. I caught up on the Great British Bake Off Comic Relief Special to pump myself up for work, and after about two hours of scrolling aimlessly through Tumblr, I decided to do some Philosophy homework whilst watching Cinderella. It's never been my favourite Disney film and it's one that I've neglected through the years, but I was in the mood for Disney and for some reason, in the mood for Cinderella, so I watched it and it was good. In the same day, I went on to watch Mulan and Mulan 2 so you can tell I'm living the high life here. The next day, I watched Emperor's New Groove too - there is no stopping me.

Blur released the video for their new song Go Out because their new album The Magic Whip* has been announced to come out in April (are you as excited as I am???) I quite like the new song, it sounds similar to some of the other stuff they've done but a bit Oasis-esque which is ironic given that Oasis was Blur's rival in the Battle of Britpop. Perhaps not as catchy as Parklife or There's No Other Way, but I quite like it and I'm looking forward to the new album.

I went to my friend's 18th birthday party, which was comprised of two sections. The first part was playing The Hunger Games in a big field, we were put into districts with one other person, I was in district 4. It was very muddy but a lot of fun. Then we went back to my friend's house and had pizza and listened to music and stuff, I'd be lying if I said there wasn't alcohol. I'd also be lying if I said I hadn't drank a lot but y'know #YOLO

I'll be one of the first to say that Glee used to be great, y'know it made fun of itself and it was generally really good up until about series 4-5. I didn't even finish series 5 although I was obsessed from series 1-3, seriously obsessed (we're talkin' 200% gleek), but series 6 is really really good. I wanted to watch it because it's the last series but I'm actually really enjoying it, plus you've got trans representation in it! Like seriously finally a big show talking about trans people - this is important folks. Plus Klaine and Britanna getting married - can I get a hells friggin yeah?

I'm sure you've all heard of what happened between Zendaya Coleman and Giulana Rancic but I just have to say again that Zendaya's response to Giulana's racist comments was so articulate and gosh just damn girl protect the POCs.

My Philosophy teacher provided an interesting twist on the existential crisis that I've been suffering with since the age of 12 today, he said existential crisis' happen as a result of the realisation that you have too much freedom and you have to make a decision regarding your life and, like in Bill and Ted, 'all we are is dust in the wind, dude' but my teacher said this can be a good thing, I forgot why, I couldn't see how my permanent state of existential crisis could be a good thing but y'know it's a different twist on it I guess.

I've fallen in love with Ben Folds Five all over again, like I never went off them and they've been one of my favourite bands for as long as I can remember and I'm pretty certain I listen to them every day, but I've been listening to their live performance albums on Spotify and their Naked Baby Photos album a lot and I just think they're so so good - if you've never listened to Ben Folds Five, do yourself a favour and give into the wimp rock piano music, you won't regret it.

Makeup Savvy
Hello November
Dainty Ditsy
Bethany Worrall
That Northern Girl
Bed in the Kitchen
Feel Bella
Rosie Louise Love

What's the best thing that's happened to you in the past couple of weeks?

*Not some sort of bondage situation, I'm guessing

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  1. Love this type of post :D

    Alice x

  2. Awh congrats on your first outfit post - it's always the worst, but I'm really looking forwards to seeing more of them :)
    And the homework never, ever ends, really. It just turns into 'required reading' and 'optional texts' when you hit uni... but culturing a good work ethic in your A-level years will really, really help if you're uni bound :)
    (I totally agree with the voting, makes me so angry sometimes!)

    little miss fii || Fii x

    1. thank you so much, and yeah true true got to get into a good habit for uni - thanks for commenting :-)

  3. Very cool article style &design. Would love it if you could check out my latest DIY beauty post!
    Kisses xo | From Aliona With Love 

  4. Love this post :) I still don't own a single piece of MAC make-up - feel that this needs to change! xx

  5. Loved your list! I got my first mac cosmetics last month too, while in San Francisco! Haha :)
    Also, congratulations on your first outfit post - I really want to one too, but I feel so shy in front of the camera! I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH MY HANDS!! Haha

    Hope you'll have a lovely March!


    1. thanks, and i found that problematic too oh my gosh i looked back on the photos before uploading and in some photos i had no idea what my hands were even doing hahaha, just go for it :D

  6. I'm still trying to psych myself up for my first MAC lipstick- it'll be hard to pick my first one!

    She Likes to Shop

    1. it took me ages to get one, i had to be certain i was gonna get my money's worth!

  7. Love these posts, never fail to find a new read!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  8. I have one MAC eyeshadow but never really got on board otherwise!

    1. ooh i haven't been able to bring myself to spend that much on a single eyeshadow haha (cheapskate)
