
Friday 29 May 2015

What I've been watching #4

This post has been a long time coming, I just haven't watched many films recently. We haven't really been able to do family movie choices recently because everyone else is doing things, and I haven't really had time to watch films myself because of revision or homework, or I'll be rewatching films instead (I rewatched all of the Spy Kids films recently, that was pretty cool) - anyway, here is my overdue What I've been watching post.

films, the butler, i love you phillip morris, jim carrey, ewan mcgregor, thelma and louise, susan sarandon, mrs. doubtifre, robin williams, the other boleyn girl, natalie portman,


The Butler is the story of a black man called Cecil who is hired as a butler in the White House. Over three decades, Cecil gets to see the inner workings of the Oval office. However, his commitment to the people working in the Oval office alienates his wife and causes conflict with his son who is anti-establishment.

I loved this film, as you can tell by the 5 star rating (although I tend to be generous with film ratings). My friend recommended this to me (the one who recommended that I watch Mississippi Masala which I spoke about in this post - yeah I know she has hella good taste). There was just so much good in this (besides John Cusack okay, I didn't even know he was in it, I know that's usually been my motivation for watching films in these posts but it wasn't this time!!) I liked how it spanned over a long time, going right up to Barack Obama becoming President! The events that were shown were all ones I learned about last year in History as we were doing the Civil Rights Movement so I already had that knowledge and interest in the subject, but seeing a visual representation really hits home how bad it was. Plus, a lot of scenes had actual photos or footage from the events which made it all so much more real. I thought it was a really fast moving film, which is good because I usually find more serious films have a lot of build up so they can be quite slow, but this was an exception. It made me very emotional especially considering everything that's happened in regarding black rights in the past few years (I know I talk about this a lot, but sometimes I wonder if other people talk about it enough). Definitely worth a watch.


This is a film based on the true story of Steven Russell who was a con artist, general imposter, and a multiple prison escapee whose played by Jim Carrey. Whilst he's known since he was young that he was gay, he married a woman and had some kids but then decided to leave that life behind and start living a stereotypical gay lifestyle (the film makes fun of the stereotype at this point, don't worry) but he learns that this lifestyle is expensive so he becomes a con artist. This inevitably lands him in prison where he meet a guy called Phillip Morris, played by Ewan McGregor, who is also gay and they fall in love with each other. Steven gets out of prison before Phillip but when Phillip does get out they live a fairly happy life, until Steven starts doing the whole claiming money that isn't his thing which lands him back in prison. Then he escapes prison several times to be with Phillip who doesn't really want him anymore, the story follows this whole scenario.

This film was absolutely insane. I got it for my birthday in November (the haul is here) and I only just got round to picking it for my movie choice. I'm not entirely sure whether this would be one you'd want to watch with your parents as there are some pretty explicit sex scenes which I was completely unaware about which made for some uncomfortable watching, and I don't think this is Jim Carrey's strongest film. However, it had some really funny moments and it was so crazy that you just wanted to carry on watching to the end. It wasn't an amazing film and I can't see myself watching it any time soon or going out of my way to recommend it to friends, but if you enjoy a little bit of madness and Jim Carrey, you probably won't be disappointed.


Thelma & Louise is the story of Thelma, who's a meek housewife, and Louise, who is a sassy, independent waitress. They decide to go on a trip together, but it suddenly becomes a getaway mission when Louise shoots and kills a man who tries to rape Thelma at a bar. They decide to go to Mexico. On the way, they meet a young thief and a sympathetic detective who tries to convince the two women to surrender. The film follows their story as they escape from the law.

I really liked this film, it was a family movie choice (my Dad's to be specific) and it's one I've wanted to watch for ages because I just feel it's one of those films that referenced to a lot in TV shows (and in Wayne's World 2 which is one of my favourite film franchises of all time) so it's one that you've got to watch. I enjoyed the fact that the film focused on an adult friendship because it's not something you see a lot in films, friendship seems to only be shown in kids films then when it gets to adulthood you're made to think you have to be in a relationship (friendship is the best kind of ship). I also loved the strong feminist message, there's an awesome scene where Thelma and Louise give a cat caller his just desserts which is hella awesome. Definitely recommend.


Mrs. Doubtfire is the story of a family where the parents get divorced, and the Mum wants to stop the Dad, Daniel, seeing the children so she wants to get a nanny and essentially prevent him from looking after them as much as possible. So, Daniel pretends to be a nanny called Mrs. Doubtfire so he can look after his kids. The story basically follows the antics of the Daniel pretending to be a woman (think Tootsie meets Mary Poppins or a nanny-themed film of your choosing).

I loved this film. It was a bit of family fun with Robin Williams (still not over his death, just saying) and Mara Wilson was adorable in it too. The only thing that annoyed me slightly was the Mum's insistence that Daniel couldn't look after his own kids, like I can empathise with her that the divorce must've been hard on her but it seems just spiteful to prevent him from seeing his kids when he's not really done anything bad to them, and she wanted to spend $300 on a nanny when she has the father volunteering to look after them, just very annoying!! Besides from that though, I really enjoyed this film! (You can see me rant about it in this vlog)


The Other Boleyn Girl is based on the Tudor era when Henry VIII was lacking an heir, and the rise of the Boleyn faction who try to get Anne Boleyn to seduce Henry. However, Henry falls for her sister Mary instead and she becomes pregnant with his child, and then she's bedridden. During her time in bed, Anne tries to get with Henry, and the film follows Anne Boleyn's time with the King.

I watched this with my friends while we were revising for History and it was actually pretty cool because we knew all the characters and could link it back to what we had to know in school, I felt that some of it was probably a bit Hollywood and exaggerated (something my History teacher would comment on) but it was definitely an intriguing film, and I really enjoyed watching it, plus it was linked to what we're doing in school so y'know it's kinda educational.

What films have you been watching recently?

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