
Sunday 7 June 2015

Rad albums, phallic tattoos, and political YouTubers

the strokes, this is it, music, album, lifestyle, blog, bbloggers, lifestyle, lbloggers

I reached 400 followers on this lil old blog and the thought confuses me a hell of a lot, that's nearly 4 times the amount of people in my year at school, what the heck (yeah I have a small sixth form but the point still stands!!)

I've rediscovered the Is This It album by The Strokes - it's a consistently good album, and I'm glad I've rediscovered it because it's amazeballs.

I went round to Isabella's to revise History with Ma'Suma and it was pretty cool, we watched The Other Boleyn Girl (relevant, it's the Tudors) and most of We Need to Talk About Kevin.. wow, we missed the beginning but talk about messed up (but also kinda great), we arranged how my ashes are going to be tattooed into them when I die, because you see, when I die I want my ashes tattooed into those closest to me in the form of a phallic doodle, hence the penis with my name under it.

Bethan from the YouTube channel musicalbethan uploaded a video on dodgy sizing in shops (specifically in H&M) I've actually suffered an opposite problem and found that their sizing was far too big the last time I bought anything from them, but it's definitely something I've found in other stores and it's an issue that deserves a lot more attention because it makes shopping a lot harder and can affect people's body image in a really negative way, which obviously sucks.

Rumbie from RumbieLove did a post about getting the right base for darker skin tones, and I just feel like this needs to be shared with the masses. If you watch my YouTube makeup videos, you'll have heard me complaining about my foundation shade a ridiculous amount of times, but posts like these are really helpful in knowing where to look - nice one Rumbie!

I've recently discovered the app Dubsmash, and also wasted an immense amount of time on it - it's just so much fun recreating vines, totes #bantz.


Had a massive cringe because one of my Philosophy teachers from last year found my YouTube channel, and it was a really old video, and she didn't hesitate to tweet me about it from her school account. To be fair, she's a hella cool teacher so it's not too bad but I did spend a good long time cringing.

Russell Brand uploaded an episode of the Trews talking about the Queen's speech and he essentially summarised my thoughts about it, definitely worth a watch (as are all of Russell Brand's Trews)

Owen Jones has created a YouTube channel and he's just killing it, I already think Owen Jones is pretty fab journalistically and he's just generally so educated on political current affairs, but he's not at all pretentious or condescending. My brother described his YouTube channel as a better version of Russell Brand's, which is debatable as I love Russell's YouTube channel too, but my brother hates Russell Brand, and Owen Jones never told people not to vote so I guess he's marginally better. Anyway, I would definitely recommend giving his first video a watch about the direction Labour is headed in.

I have shared a few Button Poetry videos on these posts before but I've found another one that I just have to share, it's called 'Black Privilege' and it's just really moving.

How have the past couple of weeks been for you?

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