
Sunday 21 June 2015

360 videos, Muse, protesting and the forest nymph

lifestyle, lbloggers, muse, end austerity now, anti austerity, protest, forest nymph, vine, drones, sugaring wax, sacconejolys, 360 video, veganism, health, vegan, diet, exams, prank, cheeky nandos, lad,

Maeve from Thrift o' Clock gave me a mention in her YouTubers I love video and I just wanted to share her blog which I've loved for ages, and her YouTube channel is pretty great too - go check her out she said nice things about me I like her a lot!!

I found this video on DIY sugaring wax and it's so strange, I've never even heard of people doing that before, but I'm really tempted to give it a go - anyone else tried it before?

Anna and Johnathan uploaded a video in 360 degrees and it's mind boggling oh my gosh, it's insane that technology has come this far (I'm sounding a bit like my parents but it is!!)

I'm having a major Muse moment recently. It started when I decided to finally sit down and give their new album Drones a listen, which led to me giving Origin of Symmetry a revisit, and now all I'm really listening to is Muse on shuffle on Spotify - I find it really good to revise to, is that weird?

My half-sister visited us as all her exams are finished (she's doing a foundation year in University) and that was really nice, we enlightened my parents on the forest nymph vines - have you seen them?

I've decided to go vegan up until I go on holiday (on the 29th June) so I will have been doing it for about 3 and a half weeks by that time, so far so good - I feel generally so much healthier! I was considering doing a post on it (it's in my drafts) which I might post if you're interested, I wasn't sure whether people would give a rat's arse about how I found going vegan though so I haven't posted it yet.

ALL MY EXAMS ARE FINISHED - HALLELUJAH! I have to say I feel some of them could've gone better but I'm just glad they're over now!!

I went round to my friend's house with a few other people and it was the first time in months that we were able to hang out without feeling like we should be revising, and we managed to prank one of our friends - yes we are all 18, but we're not past the point of pranking people.

I went to the Anti-Austerity march in London (vlog coming soon on my YouTube channel) and it was such a great experience, I'm amazed that 250,000 people turned up and the speakers were amazing as well - Caroline Lucas, Charlotte Church, Jeremy Corbyn, Russell Brand, and many more. I was a bit disappointed I missed Owen Jones but he wasn't speaking at the same time or place as the other speakers (think he was speaking at Bank at the very beginning) so I suppose it was destined for me never to see him. I can't really feel my legs and I'm pretty certain I caught something while I was out because I feel a bit ill, but it was so worth it.

My Uncle who lives in Germany is visiting for a few days, and he didn't know what Nandos was (I guess they don't have them in the part he lives in) and I said we should all go for a cheeky Nandos.. so that's a thing, but I don't think he recognised it as an internet meme, so I made myself just sound a little bit odd - thanks internet.

How have the past couple of weeks been for you?

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